Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Three Major Cannabis Misconceptions

Cannabis usage has actually been quite a longstanding sort of negative activity, but it’s not totally deserved. There is a lot of misinformation, and prior campaigns which are responsible for making cannabis seem like the bad guy. However, in the last couple of decades, we’ve made a lot of strides in cannabis legalization, with CBD and marijuana both being more and more legalized in places. Here are the most common myths that cannabis still deals with today, and what you can do to prevent any problems with the usage of this. 

You can Overdose on cannabis 

You can’t. There is a chance that you may get too high, and you may feel anxious, paranoid, confused, or totally sedated. You also may deal with nausea too if you’ve got a stomach upset, but these usually PSs within a day or so., This is rare too, and unless you’ve been taking drugs that elevate heart rate and blood pressure, you won’t’ have to worry about that. 

However, you should always make sure that you get the right products that offer the correct dosage. This is especially true for edibles, as it takes longer to metabolize, and there is a chance you can take far too much. 

You can Get Addicted 

This is a bit hard, because technically, you can have a disordered usage of cannabis, and this is officially in the DSM-5 as cannabis use disorder. This is definitely different from addiction though. It’s basically a problematic set of behaviors that happen for about 12 months at a time. 

It involves usually the following: 

  • You’re taking larger and larger numbers of this 

  • You’re not cutting down, nor do you wnat to cut down on the usage of cannabis 

  • You spend most of your time getting and using cannabis, and then spending most of the time recovering from this 

  • You crave the usage of this. 

  • You continually use this, and it results in many times, failing to do actual stuff 

  • You continually use it despite the problems that’s been created through the usage of cannabis. 

  • You’re using it in a way tha’ts hazardous. 

  • You’re continually using it because of the psychological issues you have 

  • You’ve created a high tolerance 

  • You experience withdrawal symptoms 

This is something that can develop, but it is only in extreme usage, and it is something that won’t happen if you use it in a moderate, healthy manner. If used correctly, it will improve the healing that you have within your life. 

It’s a Gateway Drug 

This is another popular one, where people think if you’re going to use cannabis, you’re gin to reach for heroin and cocaine next. The answer to that is no, you probably won’t. Most people who use cannabis usually don’t’ reach for these. 

A good thing to keep in mind is that the correlation of this doesn’t always equal causation. Some people may take up illicit drugs because of other reasons, and they just happen to use cannabis at one time. For example, people can use nicotine and alcohol initially, then move to heroin and cocaine.  This isn’t considered a gateway drug, but instead these are not classified as such, even though this is definitely possible. 

Cannabis is starting to become more and more accepted in modern society. If you’re able to get the most that you can out of your cannabis usage, you’ll definitely benefit from this. These myths are quite common, but with the right education and understanding, you’ll be able to improve your cannabis experience in many regards.