If you’re someone who wants to smoke marijuana without tobacco, you’re getting the purest kind. Some people may want to smoke this with some tobacco, but you should make sure it’s free from additives, and organic, and make sure to utilize as litle as possible. If you plan to smoke marijuana and tobacco together, you want to get a high-quality rolling paper that’s not filled with chlorine, and also is as thin as you can get it.
You can get a sponge filter that’ll retain a lot of the tar when you light this up. The strains with large concentrations of THC and CBD will definitely be pushed, as this uses less of the plant material to get the best effects. When smoking these, you want to get a lighter that’s filled with a different kind of gas that offers no impurities, letting you smoke this without also getting the gases when you light this. This is the best way to smoke it, as it offers the best flavor and quality, and also, it would definitely improve the taste. If you think about it, even the connoisseurs of tobacco wouldn’t even light cigars with this.
Free Radicals and Antioxidants
A lot of smoke does have some nasty stuff in this. That’s in the form of free radicals, and lots of these are considered so unstable that they can impair the electrons, to the point where they’re not stable anymore, and the new radicals are then formed. This leads to cellular decay and aging.
The only way to stop this is through the use of antioxidants. Every single puff of a cigarette has about a billion free radicals in this. The best thing to limit smoke damage is to make sure that you also consume various antioxidants in order to limit this damage.
Free radicals are no joke, and this is because it can damage our genetics, cause cell aging, and then, of course it can lead to other degeneration too, including cancer and other such things.
The vitamins that Smokers Need
If you plan to smoke wee, d or weed with tobacco, you need different antioxidants and vitamins that’ll help to deactivate those free radicals. This makes them harmless and easy to fight.
This is usually found in food, or in supplements that are easier to take than most food. Vitamin C is one of the most popular ones, and you can get this in a water-soluble vitamin. This is one that the body gets rid of real fast. Most mammals have the ability to make their own vitamin C, but humans are a little bit different, because due to a genetic accident about 40 million years back, we couldn’t make our own.
We do have issues with our immunity, which is why we get colds more often than our four-legged friends. You can typically get this from citrus, and also other nutrients. Vitamin E is one that’s fat-soluble and is used with vitamin C. this is usually not in our diets, but if we do put it there, it gives us better protection. Natural is better for this one though.
N-acetyl Cysteine or NAC is another sulfonic acid that’s a precursor to glutathione, and it’s one of the strongest antioxidants in the body. it also protects our respiratory system and sit actually is a primary bases of cold medicines. Finally, you’ve got carotenoids, which is fat-soluble, and this is one that protects all of the lower fat layers, and it is used and converted to vitamin A. These are important, not just for smokers, but for all of us.
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