ALS, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is known in most cases as Lou Gehrig’s disease. This is a condition that is neurological, and while rare and hard to diagnose, it can cause a lot of issues. One of the most common is that the further the disease progresses, the more muscle atrophy starts to happen, and a lot of the functions of the body that are vital get compromised.
Most people don’t know a lot about how prevalent this is within the US, but this is something that is starting to become more and more possible, especially when learning about development and contributions. While research is still at a very early stage, this is something that could be used to help with the conditions associated with ALS. Cannabis may help with a lot of the symptoms, and here is how.
What ALS IUs
ALS is a condition that causes your motor neurons to start to slowly die and break down, and this leads to issues with the motions and control of muscles in the body. The stiffness of muscles, fatigue, and a whole lot more occurs, and it can also cause the tissue to degrade, which leads to an inability to control some of the necessary body functions.
Sometimes, people can improve with this condition, and medication along with therapy may also help to slow down or stop the progression. Right now, there is not a cure, and it’s something that can be slowed down if you take the right medications. It also is not a predictable condition either, and there are people between 40 and 70 years old who develop it.
This is also commonly seen in the form of sporadic ALS, which means that this is affecting anyone regardless of their age, gender, or even what race they are. There is also familial ALS, where it is passed down from the parent down to the child itself.
How cannabis Can help
Right now, while it is no cure, there is evidence that suggests that the cannabinoids are able to slow down the progression of ALS, as seen in some mice. There are also some research that’s recently shown up to also indicate that some cannabinoids also may cause analgesia, or relief of pain, through the regulation of the neural activity within the brain, so those patients who are on opioid medications along with other prescriptions can reduce the instance of those.
They’re highly addictive, but a lot of people can benefit from reducing this through the use of medical cannabis. It can also help with some of the symptoms of ALS, including but also not limited to the following:
Stiffness of muscles
The loss of appetite
Reducing the use of drugs
So for many patients, it will not be a cure, but the thing is, there is always a lot that can happen with this sort of thing. A lot of people definitely can benefit from this, and there are a lot of ways that you can try to really improve the state of this too.
While ALS is not curable, it can be treated, and you can prolong and extend the life of a person through the use of medical cannabis. Plus, if you struggle with the symptoms, this can be a great way to begin, as it can give you the relief that you need when you’re facing this condition. Get the help that you need today through the use of the Compassionate Use Program for medical marijuana and get the help you need.