Friday, 5 July 2019

How Dissolved Oxygen Helps Hydroponic Gardens


Dissolved oxygen is something that is basically oxygen that can look at the different saturation within the water. It’s important to understand that the stronger the oxygen levels are within the water, the better off a plant will be. Remember, water involves oxygen, so if you have an oxygen atom in there, you’ve got two different hydrogen ones, which creates a water molecule. So you might wonder how It’s even possible for there to be more oxygen in there. 

This is similar in a sense to chocolate milk. Think about it, if you put chocolate in there, you shake it, there you go, you’ve got chocolate milk. If you add more, it’s still chocolate milk, although it might taste richer too. Water that’s moving about is a healthy kind of water. If you do have air exposed to this, the oxygen gets in there. Stagnant water is actually not good water, since it doesn’t have the oxygen in there, and instead it’s replaced with bacteria that are anaerobic, which can cause a variety of different issues. 

The importance of Extra Oxygen 

When you want to grow good cannabis plants, you definitely want to consider extra oxygen that gets in the water. Do you need it? No, but if you want plants that are healthier, are bigger and actually are productive, this is something to consider. Oxygen that dissolves is basically the first defense line against the anerobic bacteria that is responsible for root rot, since it helps with the growing of roots, makes them more dense, improves the root hairs which are definitely a huge part of the intake of water, since the intake in it of itself is responsible for a lot of oxygen consumption. 

With more and more oxygen atoms being availible, it impacts the nutrient uptake. Oxygen roots that are deprived don’t actually have many options, other than to substituted with the different compounds, creating ethylene, which then causes damage to your tools, and is responsible for disease of the plant. If you don’t have enough oxygen, it causes a deficiency in calcium, so you may wonder why you may try to even use calcium and magnesium on this, and it’s still doing nothing. 

How to add this 

Some people have started to create different ways to utilize dissolved oxygen to help generate the growth and benefits of microbes that are beneficial, help with preventing the proliferation of different anerobic molecules, and also pushing for good, healthy growth of roots. 

What do you do to add this though? You’ve got a few ways. If you have a holding tank or reservoir, it’s as simple as dropping the tablets into there.  You can also use recirculating pumps to help with circulating the air, and also reducing ozone in this. Another popular technique is to utilize fluming. While air stones create buttles near the bottom of a reservoir, fluming is what increases the calcium dissolved. 

This is done by creating a disturbance near the surface. Basically, you use a pump and a water chiller, to lower the temperature of you water, and increases the capacity of the oxygen held. Once water gets pushed out, it then flows down back into your pipes, and then back out into the reservoir location that’s above where the water surface is. Whenever it breaks the water’s surface, it lets oxygen penetrate, get into the solution, and it helps with the air stones too. 

Regardless, s using the dissolved oxygen is a great way to boost your plant’s health and is something that more and more people are looking at especially when trying to boost the health of their plants.

Using Marijuana in your wellness Activities

While everyone’s always trying to do the right thing and take care of their health, whether it be working out, being mindful, or eating right, one cool thing that you can add to this is well, cannabis. Being well and using weed actually goes well together, and you may wonder what kind of items to add to the wellness routine. The beauty of this is that it’s virtually everything, from edibles to creams to even different soluble and flour, so if you want to add it there, you sure can! What are the best ways to add it? Let’s dive in. 

Foods and Drinks 

Some people may want to have weed without the excess smoking of blunts or snacks. Getting a little buzz however is not a bad thing. One thing that you can do is first thing in the morning, put a little bit of marijuana in your tea or coffee, and you can get one that’s higher in CBD to help with you focusing on what you need to do. It also will help you focus better on your tasks, and help you get through the day in a much better way. You can take this sublingually, add it to drinks, or if you just need it in a snack, you can do this. Something with sativa is the best option for this, since it’ll give you that burst of energy you sure need for a nice, long day. 

Working Out

Do you work out? Have you ever tried weed before your workout? Marijuana beforehand can actually help you get better, more rewarding gains. For those who like to vape, a vaping blend with lower THC ratios will help keep the mind nice and open, and may even prolong the workout, since this can help with the time altering that happens in the brain. 

Vaping is also not too hard on the longs, and if you practice yoga or meditation, this can really give you a great workout. For hardcore people who love the gym, get one with some CBD in it to help with it, along with sativa. Cannabis is great for inflammation, so you won’t feel as in pain after a workout as you may normally do, and it helps with muscle recovery once you finish the workout, so you’re not as sore after a harder workout. 


Finally, you can get a massage. After a rough day, or a strenuous workout, you may want to figure out good ways to relax. You may want a massage. Massages are good for everything from headaches to anxiety, to even bodily pain and whatnot. Marijuana is actually something that is really good for this. You have balms and creams which go directly on the skin to help, body oils you can massage directly in to help with this, bath bombs to really relax, and CBD patches to target certain areas and help with this. 

If you have chronic pain, this can help to reduce this pain, boosting your relaxation, and the beauty of these oils and creams is that it offers a nice head high, but also amazing pain relief. These are but a few of the many ways to use cannabis, and if you want to use this every single day, you can! There is no shame in doing so, and a lot of people get the health benefits that are there from it. 

If you love to work out, and want to feel better afterwards, consider this, and use this for in-general wellness routines that can help you feel good, and healthier as a result.