Cannabis and Concerta

There are those with ADHD that take Concerta, a prescription drug in order to maintain the different symptoms. It also may help with the rapid thoughts, sleep, and the like. Some people may use cannabis, and there are some possible worries about taking both.  There are some side effects that can happen, and we’ll go over them, but ultimately, make sure that if you plan to use cannabis while taking this, you tell your doctor. 

What Concerta Is 

Concerta is basically a prescription that’s known as methylphenidate, which is basically what's found in Daytrana and Ritalin, and doctors usually give people this one to test different symptoms in adults and children that have ADHA.  For those who don’t know, ADHD is a disorder that can cause impulsivity, inattentive natures, and also overreacting to things. 

It basically helps increase the dopamine and the norepinephrine receptors, and also helps prevent the neuron from taking these in. Dopamine of course, is actually a stimulant, and is also responsible for pleasure, attention, and movements too. When you boost these, it can: 

  • Improve the alertness and how you pay attention to things 

  • Helps with focus for activities 

  • Reduces behavioral issues 

  • Stops impulsivity and hyperactive types of actions 

  • Improves the way that you listen and organize things 

It also can help with narcolepsy, which is a strange condition that causes people to fall asleep too suddenly. It's an extended release, so that means that it does work for a long period of time, usually for up to 12 hours, and it usually starts to work up to 15 minutes after you begin to take it.

Benefits and Drawbacks of mixing 

Those who have ADHD do report that cannabis is good for it, but what about mixing the two of these. Right now, there aren’t too many different studies that show the benefits of mixing these. There is one investigation that was done for the journal of substance abuse treatment. This showed that the drugs are great to use in combination together, and they’re generally pretty well-tolerated compared to the two.

It offered better feel-good responses, and a better desire to use the drugs, usually due to the euphoric nature of THC. But, what about the cognitive behaviors that are there. THC is great for reducing attentiveness, but also adding the Concerta seemed to mitigate this. Concerta however, did reduce the reaction time in this, but then THC did counteract all of this. 

This did look at patients though who didn’t have ADHD so if you want to know more, you may have to dive into other studies to look at the potential benefits and drawbacks of mixing this. 

Another thing to note, is that while both of these are generally safe, some people experience bad outcomes when they take them together.

This is due to the methylphenidate that’s in Concerta. When you mix this together with the weed, this causes heart problems and extra strain.

Not to mention, THC can also create the following in this: 

  • A faster heart rate 

  • Higher blood pressure 

  • Heart damage, stress to the heart, and possible cardiac arrest 

It was also found that it can actually stop the way that stimulants are experienced in the body, especially with how the body is able to process this. The reduced medication and its strength can also delay the relief of symptoms. It’s also important to note that this study was only found on those who took marijuana a lot, and not on the casual users who would use these both together. 

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